Graphic Design – Illustrations

Happiness is the way

Cham Masks Illustration Series

Illustrazioni maschere Cham buddiste

Year: 2020

Cliente: Personal project

Task: Create a visual guide of the masks used during the Cham dances* in Ladakh - India. A series of 25 illustrations depicting the deities and gurus accompanied by a description and meaning of the mask.

The Cham dances are a type of Buddhist ritual. They serve as a revival ceremony of key episodes and legends of the religion to make sure they will be remembered forever.

Illustrazione maschera tradizionale buddista
Illustrazione maschera Tsoglen Na Cham Dances
Illustrazione maschera Padmasambhava
Grafica maschera Herukas
Illustrazione maschera Begtse danze cham

Libro: La serie di illustrazioni è stata recentemente rilegata in un libro. Sfoglia la galleria sottostante per vederne alcune pagine.