Graphic Design – Illustration – Photography

La ricerca, vista da vicino.

Researcher's Night Cover Image

Locandina notte dei ricercatori Torino 2017

Year: 2017

Client: Sistema Scienze Piemonte.

Task: Design the cover image for the Researcher's Night an event that aims to raise awareness on the importance of science and the work of researchers.


Dettaglio design locandina

The "Notte dei Ricercatori" (Researchers' Night) is a night of events held in Turin - in partnership with the European Commission - to raise awareness on the importance of science and the work of researchers.

Science and research help us to change our point of view on reality, finding new ways to look at what surrounds us.
Researchers look at the microscopic scale, being able to study what would be otherwise invisible, and thus unknowable. But they're also able to literally look beyond the horizon, allowing mankind to reach the moon.

This very change of point of view is what we invite you to do tonight: dialogue, observe, discuss, try.

"La ricerca, vista da vicino" (The research, up close)


Locandina Notte dei Ricercatori Torino 2017
Poster Notte dei Ricercatori su muro
Locandina notte dei Ricercatori 2017 Piemonte e valle d'Aosta